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000122_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Tue Jan 27 00:25:06 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Tue Jan 27 00:25:06 1998
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From: "Garfield Benjamin" <gbenjam@sosbbs.com>
To: "AMOS MAILING LIST" <amos-list@access.digex.net>
Subject: Re: sorry for this....
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 22:07:41 -0500
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>> If you're interested in BLITZ, why not simply purchase BLITZv2.1,
>> study the manual, and start out with some small projects until you
>> are familiar with the language...
> I tried that when I got a bit pissed off with AMOS after spending ages
> on Backbone to find AMOS had all sorts of problems...
> But I found blitz to be even worse. After finally getting the editor
> to run without crashing, I found all sorts of terrible problems...
Well, like I said before, I don't have any problems with v2.1, so I
really can't understand this, but I'm not going to get into that
I wasn't trying to promote BLITZ as being superior, I was simply
saying that talking about BLITZ being superior, while never actually
using it, made no sense to me.
> I like AMOS cos its quick. I can just cut out a few GFX and be away in
> minutes. It CAN create very good 2D games and even fairly complex
> ones with a bit of good programming.
Yes, that is definitely it's strong point. Now, if the graphic-speed
was accelerated by a factor of 2 or 3 times, structures and constants
were added, along with full AGA-support, I'd say AMOS would be
much closer to being the perfect development-language. Strange,
how every language seems to include aspects of the "perfect"
language, but none actually manage to combine all of them into
a seamless package...
> I don't have the time to use anything else.
I understand what you're saying and AMOS does indeed allow
incredibly fast program-development. However, I think by
applying their experience, writing some dev-tools, etc., a
programmer can realize those accelerated development-cycles in
other languages as well...
That's what I'm currently debating... if I decide to switch over to PC
development then it will be no problem to throw together an
improved EnemyMotionDesigner, AutoImageGrabber, etc.
> And is Jade dead now?
Good question?! JADE sounded like it would be THE extension to
bring AMOS up-to-date (and the one extension I might actually try)...
what is the status, is it dead?!?
Take care,
Current projects...
SuperStarStrike98(AMIGA&IBM):15% complete(...5 days) "PAUSED"
VerticalShooter(IBM): 10% complete(...2 days)
"Studying" POVray-coding(IBM): 20% complete
Website( http://www.sosbbs.com/~gbenjam ): 40% Complete